Amazing Women
Where there is a will, there's a way!
So, gentlemen, it has at last happened!
Our Pretties
For 1 UNIT our clients can send a letter up to 10000 symbols long (approximately three sheets of paper when the letter is printed), every 100 symbols over 10000 cost 0.02 of a UNIT. But our subscribers can send longer letters: the longer your subscription term is, the longer letters you can send without additional charge:
All symbols in one letter that go over the limit cost 0.02 of a UNIT for every 100 additional symbols.
* Please, note: subscription at our site DOES NOT mean unlimited corresponding. Being a subscriber you will still have to pay for using our e-mail forwarding system, i.e. for reading/writing letters through our web-site.
* We highly recommend subscription to those clients who are interested in watching video: for $75 (three months subscription) you get 60 free videos, which make 1 video cost $1.25 in comparison to usual 0.5 of a UNIT = $2.5 approximately (note: calculation is based on the cheapest UNIT of $5)! And for $150 of one year subscription you get 240 free videos, and 1 video in this case costs you $0.625!
* Your subscription is registered the day you pay and ends 1-3-6-12 months after this date. If you do not manage to use all INQUIRIES and watch all videos free during the time of your subscription they will expire. However, if you prolong your subscription before your first term expires, you will save unused INQUIRIES and videos.
* Bonuses do not sum up, the higher bonus will be applied. For example, if you have one-month subscription bonus of 3% and use "limited time offer" proposition for 25% bonus with a certain payment, you will be getting 25% with this payment, not 3% and not 28%.
* Service package subscription UNITs are not added with payments for more than 50 UNITs.
Sending an INQUIRY:
We provide our subscribers with the option of sending to your desired woman a standard INQUIRY which will inquire whether she is interested in you before you write her. This INQUIRY is a much smaller monetary risk for you than a letter: if you are a subscriber, 10 INQUIRIES every month are free for you, if you sent 10 INQUIRIES not being a subscriber it would cost you 2.5 UNITs. You may send such INQUIRIES to any 10 women you like every month of your subscription and you will know that all the women that respond are sincerely interested! Lady's reply - yes or no - is FREE!
How to send an INQUIRY? Just click on the button "INQUIRY" on the lady's page. The lady will receive a standard note about your interest:
INQUIRY from (your ID)
Dear (her name)!
I saw your profile on and want to get acquainted with you. Please, review my profile (your ID) in the catalog and reply if you are interested. If I get your positive answer I will send you a detailed letter about myself.
Best wishes,
(your name).
* Note: It is impossible to send a INQUIRY if the lady already sent you a letter or you have written to her.
Within a week you should receive a reply from the lady. If the lady doesn't want to correspond with you - you will get her explanations why, AND YOU DO NOT LOSE ANYTHING! If the reply is positive - you can send her a detailed letter about yourself using our e-mail forwarding system (which will cost you 1 UNIT per letter) and YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT SHE WILL REPLY.
To write women and read their replies through our e-mail forwarding system will cost you as usual 1 UNIT for a letter, but for subscribers 1 letter is cheaper than for non-subscribers due to our sepcial subscription discount for UNITs.
You can proceed to an order page from here if you want to add funds to your account or become a subscriber.
If you are registered - you will be asked to login, if you are not registered - you will be asked to register.
Buying the package of video you get possibility to view video clips for the girls with considerable discount.
According to our regular price-list to view one video costs 1 UNIT = 7.50 USD.
If you buy video package you make one video review much cheaper, up to 2 USD per one video review.
Buying the package of intro you get possibility to read letters of introduction you receive from girls with considerable discount.
According to our regular price-list to read one intro costs 0.25 UNIT = 1.88 USD.
If you buy intro package you make one introduction letter much cheaper, up to 0.50 USD per reading an intro letter.
If you are not going to buy UNITs in bulk and want to correspond with ONE girl only, you should consider buying the package of correspondence.
You buy a package of 3 letters + 3 replies for 34 USD or 5 letters + 5 replies for 52 USD thus making one letter cheaper.
Please, note: correspondence package does not include reading a letter of introduction from the lady. To read a letter of introduction, that is first letter a lady sent to you, will cost you usual 0.25 of a UNIT.
For those who like saving money! We offer you our new package of service - on-line chat minutes.
This package will suit those customers who are more into on-line chat than into writing letters.
Normally, you pay for on-line chat in UNITs.
Each minute of chat costs you 0.096 UNITs for a text chat, 0.192 for a video chat with one web-camera on, and 0.288 when both lady's and your cameras are turned on.
Considering the cost of 1 UNIT 5 USD (in case you buy 50 UNITs for 250 USD), you pay 0.48 USD per minute.
Considering the cost of 1 UNIT 6 USD (in case you buy most popular 16 UNITs for 96 USD), you pay 0.576 USD per minute.
Buying our on-line minutes service package you will pay as little as 0.41 USD per minute!
1) You buy package for 250 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.41 usd. You get 600 minutes to your account.
2) You buy package for 200 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.41 usd. You get 480 minutes to your account.
3) You buy package for 130 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.43 usd. You get 300 minutes to your account.
4) You buy package for 96 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.45 usd. You get 210 minutes to your account.
5) You buy package for 85 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.47 usd. You get 180 minutes to your account.
6) You buy package for 60 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.50 usd. You get 120 minutes to your account.
7) You buy package for 32 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.53 usd. You get 60 minutes to your account.
8) You buy package for 18 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.60 usd. You get 30 minutes to your account.
* No additional bonuses or discounts are applied.