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Total photos: 20, bikini photos: 7
I am a woman who enjoys nature, flowers and gardens. I like walking on the grass without shoes. It makes me feel calm. I enjoy my profession. I haven't finished my job yet, but soon I will be a nurse. I work as an assistant in a clinic like that. I like to know that I help people in some way. I enjoy chocolate and apple cakes, I like to learn from my mistakes, so I know where I should improve
I enjoy hiking, I like taking care of animals and I recently swam with dolphins, it was something magical, those are majestic animals, I enjoy every free moment I have at work, I'm about to learn a new language
Need partner: 36 - 89 years old
I am a woman who believes that we all have something special in us, I just hope to meet a man with good values, who enjoys being with her partner and is faithful to her, who believes in love and taking care of his home