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Total photos: 12
I am a very special woman for a special man. I am a very positive person and I love life in all its manifestations. I am an active and modern lady with a bright character. I have a calm disposition and gentle nature. I am a sensual lady and I have a very kind heart. I will always come to the rescue in a difficult moment and I am a true friend. My friends see me as an open and cheerful lady with an inner fire.
Life is a movement. I am a very active and purposeful woman. I like to go to the gym almost every day. I like fashion, photography. I like to travel, drive a car.
Need partner: 45 - 60 years old
I am looking for a mature man who will become a good family man. I just want him to be a polite gentleman who will never deceive or betray me. This is my simple requirement. I want him to be my best friend, my inspiration and motivation to become better. I can give you my heart if you are ready to win my love.